In the early days of the A-100, Doepfer also sold the
A-197-2 LCD Oscilloscope Front Panel Kit.
This kit is no longer available, and was not a module manufactured by Doepfer but only a 34HP wide front panel kit to mount the one-channel Velleman Panelscope VPS10 LCD Oscilloscope into an A-100 frame.
The kit consisted of the plain front panel (punched for VPS10, without printing), an
A-180 Multiples PC board (mounted crosswise below the scope) and all wires necessary to connect the VPS10 to the A-100 bus (power supply) and the A-180 board (signal input).
A-197-2 Kit with Velleman VPS10 Oscilloscope
installed plus manual and mounting screws |
The connecting lines between the sockets were made with black, waterproof felt pen.
A little bit of mechanical skills and soldering was necessary to put this all together.
Three wires had to be soldered to the VPS10 (GND, +12V, signal).
One hole had to be drilled into the plastic case of the VPS10 for the passage of the wires, and the VPS10 had to be mounted to the front panel with 4 screws and nuts.
A detailed mounting and soldering description was added to the panel kit.
A-197-2 Kit with Velleman VPS10
Oscilloscope installed |
No special measuring cable (BNC - 3.5 mm jack) was necessary as the four right sockets were internally connected to the VPS BNC input (the BNC input was connected to the right four sockets of the A-180 board) .
The four left sockets built a second multiple without connection to the VPS10 (same as A-180).
It was also possible to run the VPS10 with an external power supply to save the "high quality" current/voltage of the A-100 bus.
The VPS10 did not require an exactly adjusted and highly stabilized supply voltage.
Back-side of the A-197-2 Kit with Velleman VPS10
Oscilloscope installed |
So... Why did Doepfer offer only the front panel kit ?
Doepfer mentioned on their website: " We do not get a better price for the VPS10 than a normal end user but have to take on the warranty and to calculate the dealers rebate into the final price.
I.e. we have to add at least the dealers rebate and the handling charges to the VPS10 price to obtain a zero profit !
This would extremely increase the price of the module and we think that this is not in the sense of the customers."
You can find the full description and support files for the Vellemann VPS10
The assembly and wiring manual is available for download from the Doepfer website:
The price of the A-197-2 was 40 Euro (only for the front panel kit, the VPS10 had to be ordered seperately by the customer e.g. from an electronic shop for almost 200 Euros)
Remark: We are not responsible for the features of the VPS10.
Mounting/wiring the VPS10 may affect the warranty.